Our ‘Monday Magic’ take place every Monday on ZOOM, 2-3pm. Get in touch with rosy@get2gether.org.uk for more info!
Monday Magic is the place to get involved in all the planning, from festivals, club nights to important dates in your diary. It’s a great chance to meet new people, build your skillset, develop your social media voice as well as having a really good laugh!
Monday Magic leads to all sorts of exciting projects, zoom events and partnerships. We often have guest speakers drop in to talk about their exciting projects. We’ve welcomed The Assembly @ VIAS, Partners in Advocacy and Royal Observatory.
Over the last year we have seen increased attendance, ownership and involvement from our membership, thanks to the weekly planning ‘Monday Magic’ meeting , which is open to all get2gether members. This has been an incredibly successful way to stay connected to the membership during the pandemic and create the environment of opportunity online that get2gether was previously providing in the community.

Monday Magic is where all the skillshare happens! Our member Aaron had the fantastic idea of providing a space for members to share their skills. Aaron believes that a skillshare is “a chance to come along to share and learn from other members. The benefits are that the members can share their wisdom using their leadership skills and further their knowledge from other members.”
Our ‘Monday Magic’ take place every Monday on ZOOM, 2-3pm. Get in touch with rosy@get2gether.org.uk for more info!
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