The Thistle Foundation
Back in 2013, get2gether was launched with the aid of our four founding organisations – ELCAP, Freespace, Garvald Edinburgh and Thistle Foundation. To this day, we are still partnering with Thistle with our office based at their Centre of Wellbeing, where we also host our Steering Group and activities such as Seated Exercises.
We enjoy linking in with the Health & Wellbeing team wherever possible, for example in summer 2022 we enjoyed an adaptive bike workshop alongside Thistle Outdoors. We love Thistle’s Outdoor Bike Project – check out the film that Ambassador Emma made here.
At the Thistle building, we were introduced to Thistle YP Project, which works with young people and their families to navigate the transition from school. We love linking in this project having important conversations at The Big Plan or on the dancefloor.

SCLD – Scottish Commission for Learning Disabilities
In 2020, Andrew Hiddleston, won the SCLD Employee Recognition award after being get2gether’s Ambassador for 2 years!
In 2021, get2gether partnered with SCLD for LD Week 2021. We hosted a week of exciting works including Love Languages, Let’s Talk about Sex, Live Your Life taster, LGBT roundtable and a Couples Event.
Many of our get2gether members are also SCLD Rapporteurs!
We look forward to future collaborations with SCLD, for example LD Week 2023!

Gig Buddies & Stay Up Late
Gig Buddies was founded by the Brighton-based charity Stay Up Late as a practical solution to working with people to “stay up late” and not be restricted by support worker shifts. The project matches volunteers and people with learning disabilities who shared interests around music to go to gigs together. The project has since evolved, and matches people to be “buddied” for a range of activities, not just gigs and music.
get2gether loves partnering with Gig Buddies, inviting their members along to our ATIK club nights and Karaoke Discos in person and online to party with other people who have disabilities and a passion for music and dancing!

New Beginnings Club – NBC
Our former Ambassador Sarah Allan is now a Chair of a local charity NBC which addresses social opportunities in East Lothian. They send out a monthly newsletter of events to their members and you can find them on facebook. We were so pleased to welcome them to our 9th year anniversary in 2022.

The Insight app reached out to get2gether during lockdown and we have loved watching the communities mix and grow. get2gether have enjoyed welcoming an influx of members from Wales to our zoom events.

Euan’s Guide
get2gether loves the work that Euan’s Guide does, especially around the Fringe. In 2022, get2gether got involved in writing reviews – with Ambassador Stephan offering advice from creating an account to writing a review.
We also like to link in with WelcoMe!

Leonard Cheshire
We have worked with Leonard Cheshire on Digital inclusion, including sessions around avoiding scams online and shopping safely.
We appreciate Leonard Chesire’s work around Cost of Living Crisis – read the full campaign here and the podcast with the Trussel Trust here.

A UK wide organisation specialising in support for people with brain injuries. Our DJ Andy has linked in with them in the past and dropped by to talk about our work.

Inspiring Scotland
We love working with Inspiring Scotland (@InspInclusion) and their diverse range of portfolio organisations, including:
People First (Scotland)

In the past we have collaborated with People First (Scotland) to run events. Ambassador Katrina ran an event with two members who also represent People First (Scotland) on Hate Crimes in September 2022.
Furthermore, through Inspiring Scotland, get2gether has connected with the likes of Autism Understanding (in Aberdeen) & SOCAS when using lived experience to present on topics such as gender diversity.
Below is a list of Disability Service Providers across Edinburgh that get2gether engages with. It is by no means an exhaustive list and we are always looking to engage with organisations and encourage their members along!
National organisations
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