Andrew’s Blog: Step Out Of Comfort Zone

When I was growing up my schooling was not as it should be, due to my illness. I was a quiet, shy, reserved lad. My physical ability was worse than it is today. I could not get up myself, I could not bend to dress, I had a leg brace and many other difficulties.
I started with an exercise in the gym and swimming, and my physical health improved. I put an effort in talking to people until it became more natural to me to engage with other people and I stopped using elbow crutches which I had used for 15 years.
These changes took a long time but were deliberate and purposeful they came from me.
I started volunteering and I won two awards. My volunteering was always associated with people with challenges and I feel I can empathise with people with challenges.
I felt well and that I am doing something valuable, I thought to myself “this is me, this is my station in life” and I felt useful. I was in my comfort zone, but could I do no more?
In 2017 I got the job with get2gether. In the beginning, I felt nervousness, lack of confidence and slightly immature how to behave at work.
But once I was able to recognize that I am in work, just like my two brothers, for me this was monumental. When I look back at myself as a person in earlier years to the person I am now, I can see how far I came.
Get2gether gave me an opportunity to raise my own expectations and up my game. Now my station is to be an employee. I am aware that get2gether is a charity and funding is insecure, but I have an intention to stay employed and look for work elsewhere.
get2gether came along at just the right time. If it was 30 years earlier I who not say boo to a goose and I was very dependant on others to function to live.
At our recent staff meeting Marion, get2gether’s Project Manager asked us to step out of our comfort zone. The way I see it is that you try and you may achieve massive steps when you are out of your comfort zone.
Meeting such lovely people (our members), many fighting many silent battles of chronic pain and they do it with a smile. That has been a pleasure but for myself, I feel like get2gether has made me shine more than I ever thought I could.
I finally feel like my low self-esteem is eroding and I have had such warm sincere compliments since starting my work in 2017 that humbles me and it helps me believe I am well am doing well.
get2gether has help me reach my full potential… but is this my full potential?
Once I thought volunteering was my potential and making that step out of the comfort zone was scary, even worrying but what you can gain is well worth the fear!