3 years of get2gether online!

get2gether’s online offering was born just days after the announcement of the pandemic – and ‘get2gether at home’ was born on March 19th 2020. Our online world turned three in March 2023 and members voted for a new fresh name.

John Gallon has been a member since July 2021. He said “since I’ve been part of g2g, it’s just been amazing. You’re such a welcoming great group. ” Here is John’s blog from 2022 after a year of being a get2gether member.

How did it feel joining g2g?
It just felt great – I didn’t know what to expect but since I’ve been a member – for nearly 2 years – I’ve felt so welcome!
What has been a highlight?
Coming to Monday Magic has been such a highlight – it really brightens the horizons. I find myself thinking ‘I’m looking forward to Monday and Monday Magic!’
Tell me about a big learning moment?
Learning about people and their stories – especially the LGBT community and hearing people’s stories. Josh is my friend and I loved learning about his movember story.
I also got so much from Let’s Talk About Sex, learning saying ‘no’ and boundaries. It has taken me a long time to say no but what’s really helped was doing the Live Your Life course. That’s what’s me prepared to say ‘no’ more and more, and be more conscious of my emotions, my own health and wellbeing.
When did you first leave Nairn and come down to Edinburgh for a get2gether event?
The first time I came down was in June 2022 to chair the Steering Group! I felt so happy to meet everyone in person – everything so far has been on zoom. It was such a pleasure to chair the meeting. Even though I have chaired so loads of meetings so far, it was such a big experience. I got the bus myself, my friend Katrina met me at the station and we got the bus to Thistle together.

I loved hosting Laughter yoga in March 2023. I came down with no support and my pals met me at bus station. After the session at The Botanic Gardens we went for coffee before I got the bus home. I was out of the screen and out of about the whole day – I loved the whole day!
What does the future hold? What else are you excited for?
I will be coming back for the 10 year anniversary in May and staying with Mairi – all very exciting!!! I’d love to keep being involved in more and more in-person events. Oh, and I definitely want to get some g2g friends up to Inverness! Keep eyes peeled for summer hangs.
We love celebrating get2gether online’s community, here are some throwbacks to 2021 and 2022!