August cover story

Have you heard the exciting news? ? We are so proud to let you know that get2gether has been awarded a grant of £195, 000 over the next three years from the National Lottery Community Fund Scotland!
This is a significant achievement and will help secure our financial position for the foreseeable future, allowing us to serve our community & get2gether members – with this grant we will be able to continue providing social opportunities for love and friendship for adults with disabilities.
This vital funding is a wonderful demonstration of how highly the work that we do is regarded and we would like to thank again once again our Steering group members and our Board of Trustees for their input in shaping get2gether’s collective vision to further our organisation aims.
We are so proud of the impact we have on our community and we are delighted that the National Lottery continues to see the value of our work.
Who are the National Lottery? The National Lottery raises funds for good causes from the players of the games it organises – like Lotto or EuroMillions.
We’re delighted that they have chosen get2gether as one of their good causes and we know one of the things they like about us is YOU! The time and energy our members put into dreaming, planning, leading and making change happen for their community is amazing.
You, our membership, are the reason that the National Lottery has chosen to fund us again! We work hard to be properly member-led at all levels; hosting events, planning big nights out, fundraising, employment, peer mentoring, and steering group amplifying voices and creating pathways for member voices to be heard. It is our members who set the future direction, with coaching and mentoring systems in place to support members to lead and take ownership. We know that the way get2gether works aligns with our 3 objectives – reducing isolation, increasing self determination and increasing emotional resilience.
In our recent Membership Survey 2024, 92% of 61 respondents told us that being a member of get2gether made their life better.
So what next? This funding means we can continue to deliver the events of your choice. Events which allow you to meet and get to know other members of get2gether, make friends, build relationships and leave loneliness in the past.
We want more member led events, more Flagship events, more free community meals like Lunch with Friends, more partnerships and more opportunities. We want YOU!
If there’s one thing get2gether members know how to do, it’s PARTY!!! So why not join us for a summer Big Night Out to celebrate the generosity of The National Lottery and all its players who have made this funding possible. Join us on Thursday 8th August at Jewel Miners Club from 7.00pm to celebrate three more years of love and friendship with get2gether.
To The National Lottery and all the players who are supporting us through this funding, THANK YOU SO MUCH, from get2gether’s Board, staff, volunteers and members.