This month we have our members David and Sarah!

1) How long have you known each other  and where did you meet?

David: We met through get2gether during lockdown, on zoom originally. We had been speaking a lot and getting to know each other on messenger. We’re also part of gig buddies, as we’ve got a lot in common, we both love volunteering and music.

Sarah: That’s been nearly 4 years!

 2) Do you meet up outside get2gether?

David: Yes, Sarah volunteers for Innovate Trust and we meet up at Gig Buddies events. We’re both going to do festivals across the summer, like Meadows Festival. I organised her birthday meal and invited a few close friends. She’s introduced me to some of her pals, her NBC group. 

Sarah: Insight – discos for members. We both love Gig Buddies and bus trips. I go to Glasgow and he comes to Edinburgh, we help each other navigate the city. 

3) What are the best things about your pal? 

David: She’s honest, polite and kind. We can have a good laugh together which is good and important to me. You don’t want to be too quiet. She’s a really good friend, caring when I’m struggling and a good laugh. 

Sarah: We’re both willing to work hard for Innovate and encourage our friends from Wales to come and visit. He shows me new places in Glasgow and I show him in Edinburgh. He’s really good if I get lost, I can call him. And he’s introduced me to German donor kebab! We’re patient with each other, he’s like a yoiunger brother to me. 

Do you want to share your friendship story? Let us know – contact us @ rosy@get2gether.org.uk

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