“As I become curious” Amy’s film at The Botanics

“As I become curious” Amy’s film at The Botanics

In May, get2gether worked with Amy and Kirsty to host a workshop that showcased Amy’s film at the beautiful Botanics Cottage. Our member Amy made her film, ‘As I Became Curious’, in collaboration with Kirsty Biff and Ania Urbanowska – see the trailer here.

Here is the interview that Amy and Biff had at Amy’s event before the film was played:

Why did you make the film? 

“The film is about my experience with nature, my life and emotions. I want people to hear, see it and experience it in their senses. I hope people might feel something.”

How did it feel making the film?

“It felt good, happy, safe, inspiring.”

What was your favourite part of making the film?

“I liked filming it in nature.”

Who made the film?

“Me (Amy) collaborating (working) with Kirsty, Ania the film maker, Donna the sound recorder, Annabel the assistant, Nik the sound designer. We got funding from the sensory collective*.”

What will we see, hear, notice in the film? 

“In the film there is my (Amy’s) poetry, movement, nature, a soundscape and music, pauses for, drawing and talismans (special objects) that you will maybe see appear in the film.”

 At get2gether we love to highlight wonderful work that members are doing themselves or in collaboration with other partnerships. Get in touch if you would like to talk about something you’ve created at rosy@get2gether.org.uk!

*Sensory Collective was a 22-month long project supporting six artists to create new, multi-sensory arts projects made with, by and for Autists, people with PMLD/complex needs and folk living with Dementia across Scotland. It is produced by Independent Arts Projects (IAP) as a Culture Collective project, funded by Scottish Government emergency Covid-19 funds through Creative Scotland.

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