This month we have our members Emma and Rebecca. They love seeing each other at get2gether events!

When did you start coming along to get2gether?

Emma: I joined in 2015 and Rebecca joined in 2017 – I think we’ve always known each other. I didn’t go to BNO in 2017/18 but I definitely went to ATIK before covid so we must have seen each other then. 

Rebecca: I first met Emma just after joining in 2017 – she was in the corner and I went and introduced myself. She was sitting with some other members and I met them too. I thought she seemed nice. I said “I’m Rebecca, nice to meet you” – we swapped numbers and became friends. I love the Big Nights Out because it means that I get out more and I’m with friends. It feels good to be out.

 What is your friendship like?

E: I like seeing her at get2gether events if she’s not too busy. I like to do socialising events with friends, lunch with friends, so I would invite her along to there instead of just at Big Nights Out.

R: We’re both quite busy but we talk on facebook and share pictures. We have a wee group page and we have facebook messenger. We like seeing each other at events and getting to know each other.

What is the best thing about your pal?

E: She’s great to talk to – she’s kind and always takes good photos of the events. I always look out for her at events. 

R: She’s friendly, she’s kind and it’s nice to talk to her when I’m feeling worried, she gives really good advice.

Do you want to share your friendship story? Let us know – contact us @ rosy@get2gether.org.uk

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