LGBT Health & Wellbeing
Our partnership with Jules and the LGBT Health & Wellbeing team has flourished. Over the years we have hosted workshops to find out more about projects such as Telefriending, Counselling and the Trans Support programme. We have also hosted Big Queer Quizzes and participated in Pride For All in June 2022 where the fabulous Unique Abilities performed.
We have also reached out and set up links with LGBT Youth. LGBT Youth work with 13-25 year olds across Scotland and also have close links with crew2000.

Eager to have conversations around sex & relationships, a partnership with Crew2000 was born in 2019. The ‘Let’s Talk about Sex‘ programme grew as guest speakers visited, peer mentors came on board and six week courses were launched.
Crew2000 hosted our first in-person event post pandemic in June 2022 and frequently attend our ATIK club nights to chat to members and give information about safe sex and drug use.

Steve has been delivering mindfulness sessions online since September 2020 and mindfulness walks since the beginning of 2022 – our membership loves and appreciates his sessions and calming presence! Read more about Steve’s mindfulness walks here and here.
Contact clare@get2gether.org.uk or Steve at www.changetherapy.org.uk

We loved hearing about Love Abilities in 2020, whose vision is that ‘People with disabilities will be empowered to lead the fullest sexual lives possible; and for their caregivers, lovers and allies to help support or be part of their life’. In 2021, Ambassadors Andrew and Katrina and peer mentors Mairi and Kaz were involved in delivering a panel ‘Dating with a Disability’ alongside Wesley and Jai from Seattle.
In 2022, we see the team returning with a panel on ‘Understanding body positivity & why we deserve self-love’. This will be delivered alongside Sarah and Damian, who has also delivered workshops around sexual health and men’s health.
Contact rosy@get2gether.org.uk for more info!