The Gallery of Modern Art – Mindfulness Event, May 2023

This is a group photo of us outside modern two, with the gardens behind us.
We all went to the Scottish Museum of Modern Art, to do some mindfulness. We met outside modern two. We did a mindfulness exercise on the grounds of the museum. An example of Mindfulness: is about being present in your awareness. In this way Mindfulness is about observing your thoughts and feelings in the moment.

This is a picture of modern two, where we met the group.
This is the lovely gardens where we started our mindfulness, the gardens were outside modern
two. The first mindfulness exercise was about breathing and how to focus on it.

We went down a path on the right hand side and onto the grass, where we had our first mindfulness exercise.

This sculpture was on our way to modern one, and was just before we crossed the road.

We saw this man on our way to modern one, he looks like he might need some help!
Then we all walked to modern one. It was a really nice and sunny day, we talked to each other on the way to where we had to go. We passed the lake where we did another mindfulness exercise and gave out a crystal called: Citrine.

This is a picture of the gemstone citrine. The gemstone Citrine can bring happiness and abundance. It can help with feelings of joy and positivity, encourage creativity, and can increase confidence and self-esteem.
This is the lake we passed by, when we were walking through the car park. We also did a mindfulness exercise here. This lake is a beautiful place to be, and is very good for mindfulness, because the water is so calm. I enjoyed being here, and looking at the lovely scenery, and the art around me.

This is a group photo of us outside modern one, after doing a mindfulness exercise.
My favourite part was: The weather and meeting familiar and unfamiliar people and getting to know more about them. The thing that people enjoyed: was the weather was nice and sunny, and Steve gave everyone attention. It was a nice peaceful place!
By AJ Jones