The Holyrood Mindfulness Walk

The Holyrood Mindfulness Walk

Get2gether has been delivering mindfulness events with Steve from
Change Therapy for over 2 years. Here our member AJ tells us about
her experience at March’s mindfulness walk around Holyrood park.

“For me, mindfulness is about being aware of things that you do naturally or take for granted, like breathing, seeing, listening, tasting, touching and smelling. Mindfulness events at get2gether help me to relax and stay calm. And I also get to meet people I have never seen before and get to know them better.

Seven members sit outside the Scottish Parliament and listen to Steve

The event started at the Scottish Parliament building. It was a very cold day, so we all wrapped up nice and warm. Once everyone came, we all sat down and Steve explained what mindfulness is all about. We walked over the road to an area called St. Margaret’s Well. It is said that the water in the well is Holy and can heal people. Steve did a mindfulness exercise, with the well dripping water behind us.

Then we walked and talked on our way to St. Margaret’s Loch. With the walk I got to meet new people and talk to them. I got to know them better and spent time finding out what we had in common.

At the loch we did another Mindfulness exercise. This one was about breathing and using our senses like taste, hearing and seeing. The pigeons and swans were looking for food from us and swarmed around Steve!! That was funny.

Steve handed out a special gemstone called Poppy Jasper and said that it helps the owner of the gem, find love and happiness. Behind us up the hill, there was a man on his knee proposing to his girlfriend, beside St. Michaels Chapel. Perhaps the power of Poppy Jasper was already at work!

We carried on our journey and on the way back Steve did another Mindfulness exercise near the Palace of Holyrood before we all went home.

With the walks I can enjoy nature in all its glory. I can breathe in the fresh air and look at the scenery around me. I really enjoyed the loch because I love to see the birds, like the swans and the pigeons! Holyrood Park has lots of stories of magic and we all liked being there as a group. I also feel very safe on these Walks, as Clare and Steve are
always there for us. Mindfulness Walks are very relaxing and you can meet new people and make friends with them. So if you like nature then the walks are a good thing to do because we will be in nature, and mindfulness in nature

By AJ Jones.

Upcoming mindfulness walks will be 11th May, 7th June, 19th July, 23rd August and 20th September. Keep your eyes peeled for the newsletter!

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