2024 at get2gether

In 2024 we hosted 181 events in total with an average of 9 members coming to online events, 8 members coming to in person events, 21 members coming to hybrid events and 89 members coming to our flagship events.

382 members joined us at events across the year with an average of 113 members joining us at events each month.

74% of our events were led by members with an average of 8 different members leading each month. 8 members stepped up to lead an event for the first time.

We hosted 6 courses (1x LYL, 2x Friendship and 3x LTAS) with an average of 10 members on each of the courses. 36 members took part in one or more of our courses across the year.

142 new members joined get2gether in 2024 taking our total membership up to 1207.

The difference we make:
84% (of 62 respondents to our membership survey, May 2024) told us they have more friends because of get2gether.
76% (of 62 respondents to our membership survey, May 2024) said they feel more able to live life the way they want to because of get2gether
96% (of 47 respondents to our Big Nights Out evaluation, June 2024) said they feel happier because of get2gether

Quotes from our members:
“The get2gether community is so important to so many people because it may be the first time we have felt seen, accepted and valued as a person. When you realise your potential, by just being you, it can help you be more in charge of your own life and challenge yourself to go for the things that you want to be able to achieve”
“Before this he would never leave the house, now he attends at least one event per week, including big nights out”
“Being a member of get2gether is similar to having an extended family, supportive people around, having fun and showing they care”

“Through get2gether I have been able experience so many amazing things for first time and it’s gave me the confidence to go at my own pace to keep trying out places or situations that scare and overwhelm me. Even when things go wrong and I feel at my worst and like giving up, the support and encouragement from everyone for achieving even the smallest of steps means I feel safe enough to keep trying again and again”
“Being a member of get2gether has truly changed my life for the better. It’s given me something to look forward to and encouraged me to not shut myself away and enjoy things again after some pretty dark times the past few years.”