April cover story

April cover story

It’s finally starting to feel like spring! On the April cover are our members Caroline, Amy, George and Andrew who have been visiting Beach Wheelchairs in Portobello. We asked them what their top tips for getting out and enjoying Spring are,  Andrew said he loves spring time because he loves going for big walks with friends. George said that he loves to see that nature is changing and there’s more colours and the days becoming longer & a bit lighter at nights – we completely agree!!

Join us in April getting out and about across Edinburgh especially a visit back to Edinburgh Beach wheelchairs on Thursday 18th April. We had a little chat with them for this blog, catch up below! 

Our goal is to increase visibility, support more projects in Scotland and beyond and make beach wheelchairs on the beach, the norm not the exception. 

If you have a cover story for us or want to host YOUR OWN event contact office@get2gether.org.uk!

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