Justin’s Blog

I am proud to say that I have come this far in my life. I have achieved and challenged myself to try new things. From controlling my anxiety, stress levels and being more independent, to come along to social events. I joined get2gether about a year ago and it made a big difference in my life.
I made friends, I started making better choices about friendships and who I spend time with, I am meeting new people. I did the Live YOUR Life course and have become a peer mentor. It helped me change my way of thinking.
Second time around on the course I was working as a peer mentor and helping others to understand the questions. I really enjoyed doing that. It was a whole new experience for me, it gave me a whole new way of working, taking a back seat and letting other people make their own choices.
I have had support for over 6 years, they were there to help me with my mental health. I was only getting support once a week. I was on medication initially, but then I stopped using medication. After the second time I did the Live YOUR Life course I agreed with my support for my support to stop. They told me I was doing well, and they were very proud of me. I used to be so negative, but then I suddenly changed to start to feel and think more positively. It was a combination of having the right support and joining get2gether.
“get2gether is like family to me, like family I never had anyway.”
I have tried to look for work before, but I was unsuccessful because of my disability. I was keen to get some work in retail.
The same day my support stopped I got a phone call that I was successful at an interview to be an Events Host for get2gether and that I got the job. I was totally happy, I was proud of myself.
I now want to see how far I can go with this and what is the next step for me. I am thinking I could be a carer and help others with all my experience. Hopefully with this job I will be able to see what is my next level!