This month we have our members Jodie and Laurence.
When did you meet
L: We met years and years ago before get2gether.
Do you meet up outside g2g?
L: Yes, we meet at Morrisons for lunch, or go to Jodie’s house for lunch. We love food and getting takeaways.
J: Yes, we go for lunch and meals, and out to the cinema. We enjoy being together but also sending messages and speaking on the phone. I also like seeing him at get2gether events like karaoke disco and big nights out.
What’s the best thing about your partner?
L: She always buys me treats. She’s good at communicating and we get along well.
J: He’s not changed all these years! He’s handsome and funny, he makes me laugh. I enjoy spending time with him. I feel so close to him. I look forward to getting married to him next year in the Harts club
Do you want to share your friendship story? Let us know – contact us @ rosy@get2gether.org.uk