April cover story!

April cover story!

Skillshares are sessions open to all members!  They are online and in-person sessions presented by Ambassadors and members who want to learn a new skill or present their skill to their community – whether it’s BSL, taking public transport or being a good friend. 

In September we had our first IN-PERSON skillshare out and about using google maps to take the bus up to the Thistle Foundation. Nine members took part, with one member travelling from a remote village an hour away from Edinburgh, just to participate in the skillshare! 

Members said it was great to learn together and build their confidence:

“I discovered there’s a Lothian bus app AND google maps shows you on the actual screen in the location. I get lost a lot, it can be lonely. It was so good to learn from my pals.” 

We have found that it’s exciting learning a skill for a reason, which is why our second skillshare was on 26th February to take the train to Wallyford. Using the train is a huge skill and can feel quite scary – but maybe it was easier in a group? One member said ‘Yes!’ and they looked forward to using it on 8th March when coming to Karaoke Disco! 

So what next? 

In April we will have an in-person skillshare at the St. James’ ‘Royal Bank of Scotland’ venue. We will be talking about the basics of how to use a Bank account and its features, but Royal Bank of Scotland also wants to hear from you and what support you need to manage your bank account. Come and get stuck in and learn with the rest of the get2gether team.

In May for Learning Disability Week 2024, we will be partnering with WelcoME app to promote digital inclusion and try out the app in a real life setting. Join us for a cup of a tea and a chat before we get stuck in. We’ll also be visiting Ferry Road library to use the computers together, and practicing our time management skills for Summer Hangs – fancy it?  

What do you think? Does learning with friends give you more confidence? Does learning whilst doing activities make it easier? get2gether hopes these peer learning sessions will encourage people to return to important venues by themselves and take more ownership of self-travel or learning skills in their day to day lives. 

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