Cover story: Rosie Jones, our patron!

On the cover this month is Rosie Jones!
Our members have asked Rosie if she would like to be a patron of get2gether – and she said yes! So, here is Rosie’s blog!
“Even though it’s been about six weeks since I did the first ever Friday Funnies for Get2gether, I still have the widest smile on my face; what a night it was!
I think what made the night, and Get2gether in general, so wonderful, was that sense of family. Everybody was so supportive of each other and everybody was there for the exact same reason: to have fun, and to laugh.
It truly reminded me why I got into comedy in the first place. I love making people laugh; there’s no better feeling. I have Cerebral Palsy, and I have been disabled all my life. At times, that can be tricky. Because of my slow speech and my wobbly movements people often act awkward around me, or think I’m a bit odd. From a young age I discovered that as soon as I cracked a joke, or said something funny, that awkwardness would disappear, and although I might act and speak differently to a ‘normal’ person, I was just like them, and there was no reason to act differently around me.
I put normal in quotation marks earlier because there’s no such thing as a ‘normal person’. And even if there is such a thing, I wouldn’t want to be it; that just sounds really, really boring. I love being different, and I love being me!
I feel very, very lucky to be a comedian, for several different reasons. Firstly, I am paid to make people laugh…which is literally the best job in the world!! But secondly, and probably more importantly, I am given an opportunity to unapologetically get onto a stage (sometimes literal stages, but recently, because of Covid, virtual stages) and say to an audience, ‘hello, I’m Rosie, I am a gay, disabled lady, and you are allowed to find me funny’. Hopefully, if I’m doing my job properly, I not only make the audience laugh, but I also make them see that despite being disabled, or ‘different’, or ‘not normal’, I am exactly like them; I am a human being!
That is why I am such a fan of Get2gether, and proud to be one of their patrons. It recognises and celebrates the fact that just because somebody is different, it doesn’t mean that they are alone – we are all in this together, baby!
And this is the very reason why I am very excited to patron of Get2gether. I think we’re going to do great things together! Spread love, spread happiness, spread joy – these are my values, and they are shared with the Get2gether family. None of us are alone, and together, we can achieve anything, and everything! The world is our oyster!”
Rosie Jones will join us for our AGM on 25th November – make sure you book your space by emailing