Amy is #BecomingVisible
What does Becoming Visible mean to you?
Becoming Visible means that people are more aware of disabled people, including me, and what we do in our community and with get2gether. It is about what disabled people can do.
Tell me about the projects you’re involved in with g2g?
I come along to the Monday planning meeting to give ideas and I work on a photo challenge every two weeks for g2g at home, which I’ve been doing for a good chunk of the pandemic. I really enjoy it, getting to know people through it and becoming more confident and able to communicate.
Your photo challenge has been fab to see, you’ve totally owned it and it’s grown wonderfully. What digital skills did you have before the pandemic?
It was really just some skills on Facebook, I didn’t know much about videos at all. I’ve picked up skills and I know much more about how to interact online, setting up zoom calls as well as privacy and messaging on Facebook.
Has it been an exciting journey?
Yes! Definitely. Being more involved with more members and watching it all developing and everything happening on g2g at home has been amazing. I just hope I can get more involved in the future.
Is there anything you would like to be more involved with?
I would like to do more on zoom! Lead more workshops and work with more members.
How have you found socialising online?
It’s sometimes easier to talk to people and prepare for stuff, a good alternative for not meeting people in person.
How did you find Live Your Life and Let’s talk about sex?
I found LYL really helpful with my anxiety, I especially enjoyed getting to know more about dealing with stress and communicating in order to get things that I want. Some useful tips and tricks. LTAS was also helpful in terms of opening up around questions I have around dating online and in person and where to go when I need help. It feels like a safe space.
Have you got any more reflections on the past year? And looking forward?
I just really like doing the photo challenge and other projects. In the future, I want to lead more zoom projects. I’ve been enjoying working with Reluctant Penguin as well, and I hope to do more films and events with Emma. My most recent project ‘My Brain is Unique’ has been published on Reluctant Penguin, check it out!
At the moment, being online suits me. We’ll see what the future looks like.