This month we have our Ambassador Emma and member Gavin!
1) How long have you known each other and where did you meet?
E:Gavin and I actually met in 2016 at his audition for Lung Ha Theatre Company. I had to do a double take because he looked like someone I had known before and disliked- thankfully Gavin proved to be a much nicer person. We have now worked on and off the stage together ever since.
G:We actually met in 2016 when I auditioned for Lung Ha. I had a similar look to someone Emma had previously disliked thankfully I turned round and she realized it was me. We’ve worked together regularly onstage and off ever since.
2) How has get2gether supported yours and Gavin’s friendship to grow?
E: Gavin joined get2gether not long before I became Ambassador. He helped me with one of my first online events which was the Shakespeare Online Event and had also used his acting skills in the murder mysteries.
G: I joined get2gether not long before Emma started as ambassador. One of my first events was the Shakespeare Online event which Emma and I created. I also performed in the murdermysteries
3) How do you feel get2gether makes space for the LGBTQ+ community?
E: Gavin never really opened up about being Pa of the LGBTQ community and I had never spoken about it. get2gether was able to provide a space in which it became an important conversation and how it had affected our lives.
G:Before get2gether I kept everything to myself and never had never really told anyone that I’m part of the LGBTQ+ community. Through get2gether we’ve both found a space to open up to each other.
4) How do you feel you and Gavin support each other’s “queer” identity?
E: Gavin and I encourage each other to be ourselves even if we just chat to vent about life in general. As such, our queer identities do not clash. Gavin and I will give each other advice on relationships even if at my end, I have no interest in being with anyone.
G: I know I can go to Emma if I have issues in a relationship or simply just need to vent about things.Similarly Emma knows she can come to me because of this there’s no clash between our queer identities.
5) What are the qualities about Gavin/Emma a good friend?
E: Gavin is a passionate, hard working and very compassionate man who has already achieved far more than he is anyone expected of him. I hope to remain friends and performing buddies for a while.
G:I’ve never met anyone so passionate about the work she does. She’s also incredibly compassionate and empathetic. She’s an incredibly professional, hard working person but also knows how to have fun and a good laugh as well.