Angela is #BecomingVisbile

This is a powerful story of what happens when minority groups are represented in online spaces.
Our member Angela recently joined get2gether in the second half of 2020. She initially took part in our activities as her son’s interpreter and soon realized that there was something in get2getherfor her as well. Angela’s blog is about the pivotal moment of courage and strength, and an increase in her own visibility. The work that Angela does is a huge contribution to our community. Here is Angela’s story of #BecomingVisible.
What does Becoming Visible mean to you?
I have spent the last six years completely invisible to friends, work colleagues, and a lot of family members. Most of my neighbours don’t even know I exist!
I have been living in a very small safe and secure bubble which I am happy that get2gether burst for me. I was seen as weak, useless, and dying a slow death with nothing left to offer the world around me.
Get2gether has shown me I still have a lot to offer and I can offer it at my own pace with understanding and empathy towards my disabilities. There is no pressure to be anything more than you can be, but you are encouraged constantly to push your own boundaries little by little.
I feel human again, I feel proud and I don’t want to hide anymore.
What are the projects you’re involved with at get2gether?
I really enjoyed hosting my first test yourself tuesday quiz, I spent time attending the quizzes the weeks before it to make sure I understood how it all worked and how the members like to have their quizzes hosted.
It has been a real eye-opener into the amount of work it takes to put this event on for members on a regular basis. It’s a really popular event! I loved working with Robbie and I like that I have a co-host in Colin.
The plan is to allow other members to also step up to the challenge of hosting should they wish to. I think variety is key and it’s important for every member to feel like they have opportunities to try their hand at popular events.
I added my own little twist to hosting and turned it into a fact-giving session, as I love facts and I think it’s great that someone else may try hosting and bring their own unique way of doing it to the members. It just keeps it all the more interesting and fun for us all.
Has it been an exciting journey?
My time so far at get2gether has opened up new adventures for me, I had some input with Napier University for the content of their paper on the impact of Covid-19 on people with learning difficulties, I was asked to be a co-author but I was happy just to listen, learn and give my opinions freely.
I am enjoying thinking of ideas I can bring to the group for member-led events and I have been lucky enough to have a couple of my ideas for events approved.
In April Stephan has agreed to co-host my ‘spot, stop and avoid harmful behavior’ event which I feel very passionate about, and in May I am hoping to work with Andrew on papercraft art. I am also hoping to host a cake decorating masterclass.
I have met some awesome people and taken part in activities and events I hadn’t dreamt of doing before – like Penguin production reviews with Emma. I am also the voice for two characters of a mod game she has created which was awesome to do!
What are you most looking forward to next?
My hopes for the future are to stay as involved as I can and be a valued member of the group, building on the friendships I have already made and getting to know more members.
It is unlikely I will be able to meet people in person when lockdown ends so my wish and hopes for the future is to help maintain and grow the online community we have and stay connected with others.
It’s been an awesome unexpected journey for me and I am probably not alone when I say I am part of a small community that has redefined the meaning of “lockdown”.
It’s absolutely epic to look back on everything that’s been achieved, especially since I only joined in November, never mind the whole year!