Celebrating Space Gang!

“We started Space Gang from scratch and have built up a really good team. We have a lot of people joining. It makes you feel confident and proud. You can teach somebody about space and they are interested” get2gether member

What is Space gang?
A member took the idea to Stephan and was interested in working with other members on their shared interest.
They asked “how do we do this? How do we get people involved?” But it turns out that the community would flock. They took the group to Monday Magic and it has grown from facebook lives in May 2021 and now in January 2023 we have strong partnerships with Dynamic Earth and The Royal Observatory.

Where do you find SG and who can join?
Josh: I wanted to join because it’s about space and I’ve always liked space. get2gether members can find our Space Gang group on facebook and people wanting to join get2gether can join here. Anyone can join! The more the merrier!

What have been your favourite workshops so far?
Josh: “I’ve loved finding out more about stars and ETs and life on planets. Looking for other worlds…absolutely loved the mindfulness’
Natalie: ‘Yeah mindfulness was amazing! It made the whole experience of mindfulness much more accessible for me because I usually find it hard to concentrate. Loved working with Steve from Change Therapy!
I also enjoyed Armchair Astronomy, especially the year anniversary when we went inside the light showing’

What’s your favourite thing about Space?
Josh: “I have so many favourites but I like stars! The like the shininess of stars”
S: “I like launches and landings. Finding out the new companies who are racing to get up into space.”
John: I love learning how it all works; the sun, the moon, mars, Jupiter, planets. It’s not just space, it’s how the world around me works, the weather, the rain, the environment.
N: I like all the planets, and the moon because it doesn’t create its own light, it reflects the light from the sun because its a satellite’
What’s your favourite thing about Space Gang?
N: For me it makes me feel excited to talk about and share space stuff – getting to talk about one of my favourite things with other people. It can be lonely when people don’t care but I know that Space Gang does!
Shaun: I’m not obsessed with space but I love being part of a group and the camaraderie. I like being involved and space gang is a great way to do that.”
John: I think it’s getting different speakers talking about different topics. It was so fascinating to listen to one of the talks! I love being part of a group AND learning. It’s fun because it’s for everyone, run by members for members

What is the future of Space Gang?
Josh: We’re going to start monthly meetings again! This will give us a better idea around what people want to explore!
S: Continuing with our partnerships and establishing more! Continue what we’re doing and going reaching more people.
N: Get more members involved. If you’re interested, contact me natalie@get2gether.org.uk!