National Storytelling Week!

National Storytelling Week!

Cheers to all the fantastic heroes. There can be no better more heartfelt words than when life is getting challenging and difficult.Yes. Let’s all get together. Miracles can be worked. Wishing everyone a beautiful day

It’s National Storytelling Week (30th January – 4th February) and we’ve been loving some of your stories over at get2gether at home.


To say you bring inspiration

Is an understatement certainly

When friends share ideas and support each other

There can be nothing better

It’s wonderful to be a part

For we contribute things forever

With every smile every chuckle

There’s a heart in this endeavour

What can I say. What can I do

Friends help each other through

It’s friends who bring me inspiration

In the castles of the north

Or the downs across the south.

It’s the listener who takes the magic words

Like music from the mouth

What is a song? If it cannot be heard

What is a poem without a thankful word?

It’s the ears and hearts that we all share

That brings heartfelt melodies through the air.

The greatest musician and writer I believe

Are those who listen and think of their friends

The greatest poetry is there

When the final rhyme ends

When the soul who put words out.

It could only be clever

If his thoughts are in the audience at the end of the letter

And if when he writes

His own heart alights

Because his heart is a part

Of the whole room together

It’s the sound of the song

He hurls his heart straight across

And if it is caught.

It’s the meaningful phrase

There shall be no loss

Yes it’s about getting better

It’s the listener yes

Who puts the best words together

I’m so grateful to be part

There’s no music or art

Without us all sharing our heart

It’s great Get2gether!

By R Candy

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