#access is love

This Valentines day, accessibility is love – there are many types of accessibility and we want to make events and information as welcoming and available as possible for everyone.
This is not a new idea but it is one very important to get2gether and close to our objectives. Created by Sandy Ho, Mia Mingus, and Alice Wong, Accessislove is the idea that making community accessible is an ongoing act of love.

Since October 2022, our events have been pay what you can (PWYC), from £5/7 to zero for our flagship events we want you to choose what you can afford to pay. It’s important that everyone can access our events.
At our Steering Group in February 2023, members told us that some people were having ‘difficulties making ends meet’ and the cost of living crisis was an ongoing concern. We asked if PWYC had made a difference and members said:
👍 “it’s really good, it makes it possible for some members to come who wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford a night out”
👍 “it takes pressure off”
👍 and good that we still do zoom events for those not going out.

It’s not just financial assess we care about. Physical accessibility is up there too. It’s so important to us that we work with organisations like Northern Rail to ensure their services are as easy to use as possible.

We’re also a big fan of accessible information. In February 2023, we invited Arjen from Changeworks along to the Thistle Foundation to talk to our members.
get2gether are linking in with many organisations and partners across Edinburgh to ensure our members have access to resources. This includes Edinburgh Food Bank (we can refer get2gether members for vouchers – contact us on office@get2gether.org.uk!) and Community meals, such as
👍 The Grassmarket Community Project
👍 Bridgend Farmhouse and 👍 Space (Broomhouse Hub).
DJ Andy also recommends using Community Food Pantries, run by Cyrenians. He found them friendly and well stocked. You need to register and there is a small joining fee of £1, the cost of food is very low (£2 for 10 items). Check the website to see which locations are taking new registrations.

We continue to seek out and nurture free partnerships which will ensure members have spaces to meet friends, have fun and avoid social isolation. Currently we work with the likes of Dynamic Earth, Botanics and The Grassmarket Community Project to name a few!
Remember we are also running monthly Skillshares on zoom alongside Monday Magic. These have included keeping costs low during cost of living crisis, budgeting for Christmas presents and looking after your wellbeing with peer mentor Kaz. Coming up we’ll be talking about public speaking with ex-Ambassador Andrew and avoiding debt with ex-Ambassador Katrina.

Remember Edinburgh is full of warm and welcoming spaces – check the list for your closest centre!