Conversation with Emma

Hi Emma! We hear there are some news about the new channel? What do you want our members to know?
As you know, Reluctant Penguin is the Youtube channel where you can find videos of get2gether events. Sadly, while the channel is still there, we can no longer update it and now have a new channel. Search for “Reluctant Penguin Film Productions” on Youtube and subscribe for future videos.
You can also just click here.
We’re also creating a new website which will be published in December this year.
If you wish to be involved in a video – whether that’s creating or performance, just message Reluctant Penguin through twitter or facebook and we’ll arrange a time to meet up.
Besides being the camera you sometimes also take part on the stage. What was your recent project and where was it performed?
My latest show was called “Emma and Gill” which I also created with Catherine Wheels and Lung Ha Theatre Company. Lung Ha gives people like me an opportunity to perform while Catherine Wheels creates shows for children. “Emma and Gill” was a school tour – that means I visited schools for three weeks and performed the show. The show was about autism and how much of an individual disability it is. We achieved this by my own personal experiences and talking to both school kids and teachers on what school was like for me. I actually did some filming for the show and I had to sing and play the tenor horn. And eat pringles. That was the best part.
So how did young people in school react when you told them you have
Considering the show was about autism and I was playing myself, it was quite odd during the Q&A after the show, how many students were surprised that I was autistic. Children diagnosed with autism or/and other issues were very pleased with the show and were reluctant to go back to class. They called it an “educational and emotional experience”. You can find out more about the show on the Catherine Wheels website.
Have you got any new shows coming up?
I will be working with Lung Ha again and myself and other members will be performing at the Lyceum on May 1st and 2nd. The show is called “Castle Lennox” – based on the now closed Glasgow Institute Lennos Castle.
And can you share with us what are your hopes and dreams for the future with your YouTube
Until me and my group somehow lose interest, I’m hoping to keep going. Reluctant Penguin is a very versatile (random) channel with dance, acting, archived old films, animation and small documentaries. I’m hoping that my “obsession” with creating films will continue and I will find new ideas and ways to better my skills as an editor.
We are delighted to hear all this news Emma, and we wish you all the best with your channel!
Thanks again for all the videos you made for get2gether!