Live Your Life Course starts in a month!

Hi everyone!
What a year this is turning out to be! So much change and so many restrictions. This doesn’t mean that life has to stop though or that you have to stop reaching for your dreams. In fact you could use the extra time that you now have to think about what you really want from life and plan for how you might get it. This Autumn, get2gether are going to be running their life-changing Live Your Life course which could help you think about those big ideas. And better still, we are running it online so you can do it all from the comfort of your own home, without having to think about social distancing!
As well as giving you time and support to think about these big questions, the Live Your Life course also focuses on topics such as managing stress, managing emotions and staying positive. These can be hard at any time, but during this pandemic it has been an even bigger struggle for lots of people. On the Live Your Life course we will talk about different tools that can help you to stay more positive and manage the difficulties, and there will be lots of activities and time to practice.
One of the main things that people who have done the course before have told us is that they made some really great friends on the course. This is so important and the structure of the whole course is aimed around building these really positive and supportive friendships. The fact that the course is 12 weeks long means that people really have the time to properly get comfortable and get to know each other. We are going to work really hard to try to create the same atmosphere and experience this time around even though it will be online. It’s going to be great!
The first online Live Your Life course starts on Thursday October 29th and will then be every Thursday for 12 weeks, although there will be a 2 week break over Christmas. Each session will run from 2pm until 4.30pm (with breaks throughout!).
If this sounds like something you want to be involved in, please get in contact ( ). If you want to be involved, but don’t yet feel confident using Zoom, please also let us know as we can help. This is going to be such a great course and we can’t wait to see you there!